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Gomez is a hip hop artist from the Bronx. Although he mainly focuses on spoken word, he also plays guitar. He enjoys music, film, nature and books. All of these help sound his sonic landscape and influence his poignant lyricism and heartfelt musicality.


Gomez is currently working on his first EP titled, "Gray World."  This project will be his official introduction to the music world as a musical artist.  He is incorporating elements of Hip-Hop, Folk, and Reggae to create a blend that is truly indicative of who he is and what he stands for as an artist.

As he continues to perfect his craft, and delve into his other passions as an artist, he is confident that the sincerity of his music will resonate with those searching for something new and truly novel.  Thank you for supporting him in his endeavors, Gomez hopes you have a great day.



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